Rich Hart Scholarship for Refugees

I am so honoured to be writing this blog.  After my father passed away in 2016, we decided to work on our very first project.

Dad always taught my sister and I that hard work, an education and being kind and generous whenever you can, were paramount to his life. It is what enabled my parents to give us a fresh start and new opportunities in Australia. 

After dad passed away, we decided that we wanted to give other refugees the chance to have the same learning and educational opportunities that I was blessed to have.  We therefore embarked on a project to raise funds to provide a refugee student  with a scholarship to be educated at Caulfield Grammar School (CGS).

We worked with the school throughout 2018 and through the incredible generosity of the people that agreed to support our Foundation, we are so proud to be providing the Rich Hart Scholarship as a legacy to my father, for a young boy who commenced at CGS at the beginning of 2019. This is the first refugee scholarship (of hopefully many!) at the school.

We are now working on raising funds to grow in this area and to continue to provide more refugees with these educational opportunities.

This will help us as individuals and as a community, to be more compassionate, more openminded, and more understanding of others beliefs and values.  Surely this will enrich us all.

Thank you again to those of you who support us.  We are immensely grateful.

Fem Hunter

Co Founder -  Rich Hart Foundation